Monday, May 5, 2008

out of control

As americans we are very in control of our lives. Sometimes we don't feel that way but we go where we want when we want and if we want something we really never give up on trying to figure out how to get it.

We often look through this lens when it comes to being a Christian. We want God to do what we want him to do when we want it. And we also what to know why. Although this is a contrast to what we are told in the Bible. We are told to surrender all to christ at all cost.

Moving to the city has been a great illustration for me on what it means to let go. Often I put my safety and my family's safety in other peoples hands. If I take public transportation I am restricted to their schedule and have to plan around it. Their schedule is not dictated by my needs but by the big picture on how to best serve the masses. Every day I put my life in the hands of countless engineers, often supported by structure that was designed over 80 years ago.

We need to rethink our view of what it is to surrender to God. What it means to let him be in control. we should question if our imminent happiness is what is best for the masses. We need to reflect on how God has provided for us in the past and take the next step with confidence that God will be there with His plan and that that step will bring attention to God's work in our life.


Michelle said...

that was good J!

Kathy said...

"we should question if our imminent happiness is what is best for the masses"

This could revolutionize the world, not to mention our economy. Good thoughts. Well-written. Thanks.

Kathy said...

I just realized I don't have a profile linking to my name since I'm not a full-fledged blogger yet. So I wanted to let you know it's me, Jason :)
God bless
kathy nickerson