Friday, November 6, 2009

Trying something a little different

So, every church I have ever work for always struggles with announcements. How many to have each week, live or video, do you let people walk up right before service and add announcements? These are just a few of the issues I have seen over the years.

We try to consistently try to do Video announcements because of the control of the messaging and time. Since I have been at Park we have been through several versions of announcements. The first format was to have the staff that was over the events to do them... that did not work. We have many events that are volunteer driven so scheduling became a nightmare to deal with.

We have done Graphical driven video announcements. And have tried a couple of times with a "host" type delivery video. Continuing to be frustrated with the process I decided to contact a local actress that attends our church to play the role of host for the video, she will do them every week. Here is our first one, I am excited to see how this evolves for us.


Whitney George said...

I like this. My question is this: why not have her do it live and use slides to support the events she's pushing? Keep it friendly and concise and most importantly scripted.

It's not that doing them on video is bad, I've just always wondered why the investment of time, money, effort etc for announcements?

I realize one size does not fit all in the church and it looks like this format may work really well for you guys.

P.S. Cool blog. Really enjoying it.

jasonwidney said...

We have struggled with the same issues. I think for us the one major thing is being multi-site it keep messaging the same across every service and site. Second I think it could be challenging to get "that" person at every service. So then the role goes to some kind of pastor type person and... my experience with this type of person is they can never stick to a script... and then things just get long and longer. We will do a combination of live and video announcements depending on the situation. One thing we are good at is not introducing methodology into our church so ideas come and go freely.

Thanks man.