Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So for the month of January we are doing vision messages. Our lead pastor came up with the title Unhindered. I had a hard time coming up with imagery to go with the title. The first things that came to mind was a person in a field with their arms raised (ok I know very cheesy) the next was someone dancing crazy. I knew neither of those were good options. On our drive back to Oklahoma I came up with the ink concept I called Tim he loved the Idea so I spent the next couple of days thinking about how to make it happen.

I picked up a $12 fish tank at the local pet store and some fabric dye at the art store. I set up a soft box behind the fish tank and shot straight into the tank. let the water settle and and squirted in the dye. I then took some white paper and and shot the ink drops.

1 comment:


You rock! There is such an energy to this open. I like it.